• Hi,

    Since yesterday 10 am EST my website went down due to a permanently 100% use of CPU. I have a dedicated server hosting WP 3.0.4 with the latest PHP and MySql, there is no evidence of a DoS and the website have very low traffic. I also have a SMF forum and phpMyAdmin installed. Everything is hosted in a EC2 instance and the files (apache, mysql, www, logs) are in a separate EBS volume, so I can recover from failures like this.

    So, I created a new instance (server) and attached a snapshot from the EBS, also mapped a new IP to the instance and changed DNS records to reflect this. Then everything seemed to work fine: the SMF forum loaded fast and the phpMyAdmin accepted my login credentials, but the WP blog (in a subdirectory) never loaded (blank page). I have some pictures uploaded in the blog so i put in my browser the URL of these pictures and the pictures loaded fine, so the problem its not the server. Then I looked the database via phphMyAdmin and repaired and optimized all tables (WP, SMF) (Note: I noticed that the wp-options table still have some “overhead” left after the repair & optimize procedure). The CPU usage was <50%.

    I checked again the SMF forum and phpMyAdmin console (logout – login) and they worked well, but not the WP blog. So, I edit the php.ini and increased the maximum time for script execution to 60 seconds and memory to 128. Then I went to the blog and the blog loaded…but very slowly. I login and deactivated the ad-rotate plugin (last plugin upgraded) and W3-TC (also cleaning cache). I logout and try again to load the blog…..no response, blank page. The SMF forum and phpMyAdmin also stuck by database error connection. CPU usage in the cloudwatch monitor shoot up to 100% again……..

    I think the problem is with WordPress 3.0.4 but since the latest version was released 29/12/2010 and the problem have appeared recently (look at this forum and see the alarming number of posts related with no access to WP and related), i think someone discovered a bug (maybe like the wp-trackback bug in 2009), made and exploit and is using it. The symptoms are similar.

    Last I hope someone can help us…..(and sorry for my bad grammar, English its not my native language)…..

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  • Thread Starter lrhenals


    Ok I think the WP team must address this problem, look at the increasingly number of error related posts……

    Have you tried:

    – deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem? If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).

    – switching to the Twenty Ten theme to rule out any theme-specific problems?

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin? Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

    Alwyn Botha


    I think your problem is not WP

    Its your server or its config or like esmi says your plugins.

    download wp 3.0.4 to a clean pc or new webhost and you will see it load vERY VERY fast

    no problems there; NEAR zero percent cpu.

    123 millisecs load times ; and lower

    please post url so we can test it via debugging tools.

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